Wednesday 21 March 2012

Redemption Final

This is our final edit of our film, we tried to make it as smooth as possible, we had a survey where our peers gave us possitive feedback, we are pleased with the outcome of our film.

editing process (timeline)

This is our timeline sequence, you can see we added titles above and effects such as fades, we each had a go to edit our film.

editing process (end shot)

This shot is a P.O.V of Curtis looking up at Jay who's holding a blunt object who's about to strike Curtis, we feel the audience will be shocked/surprised about this scene and this is the reaction we wanted to get, this is our last shot as we wanted to get retorical questions in the mind of the audience, it then fades out to our title.

editing process (title)

This is our title, we decided to use the "cracked" font as it shows that this is a dark and mysterious film, it took us a while to find a suitable font, also we chose the colour red as it's a strong colour and it can represent violence which is a main theme in our film.

Editing process (credits)

Here we have added acting credits over our opening sequence, you can see the antagonist in the background and the protagonist at the front, the audience know who the actor is as the camera is focused on Curtis.

Here is the antogonist and we've notified the audience who the actor is, in this close up you can see he's focusing on Curtis.
We choose this shot especially to add the credit for Kiran who shot some of the movie, and it shows we used a variety of shots.

Monday 19 March 2012

Week 3 (JAN 16-20)

On the third week we finished up our very final storyboard which included a setting change and actor change, we planned every shot in detail and tried to commit to every idea we got, After we decided what props to use, we decided on black clothes, black hat and a black bandanna for Jay, we chose to use the black bandanna because it represents the Jays gang, He wears outfits that could be seen as a troubled kid just to be seen in public to gain respect, The other character, Curtis, wears normal clothes, for the audience he wouldn't be seen as a criminal, The story begins with Curtis entering the park and sitting on the bench, as he was playing around with his phone, he recognized a mysterious man who dressed in a uncertain way that he couldn't tell but the audience could, then that mysterious man who is called Jay was walking up to him in a swaggered motion to show his status, Curtis didn't take him serious and answered Jay's question sarcastically. Jay didn't take too well to his response, and he was getting aggressive towards Curtis, the situation escalated which Curtis couldn't control, Suddenly Jay punches him and it was clear to the audience that Jay wasn't messing around, After a few shots Curtis is lying helpless on the floor, Jay was very serious and picked up a blunt object, he strikes at Curtis with all his strength and the shot fades out, Jay called someone and started in another language, we have placed subtitles at the bottom so the audience knows what he's saying, and then you can hear a zip and a car door which Curtis won't realise but the audience will, and this will carry on the story. We decided call the movie "Redemption" because its a complex story which is not easy to deduce, can Jay clear his sins?

Week 2(JAN 9-12)

We brainstormed a completely different idea to our first one, it involved a troubled teenage girl who found a friend that can relate to her, but behind the computer he was a criminal looking to manipulate this vulnerable girl, he was acting kind to the girl and she trusted him, the problem with this story is the girls religion which forbid her to be in a relationship with him. we felt this story wasn't exciting enough and we wanted something unique. During the planning we suddenly had an amazing idea which we could commit too, it involved a troubled teen which is played by Tawhir and a criminal thug which is playing by Danny Glazier, the story starts with a long shot at the bus stop in which tawhir receives a text message from his friend saying 'are you bunking from lesson' he just ignored him and didn't care about him, he catches the bus to an elusive park, on the ride we tried to film him and the scenery so that the audience can make a picture of the setting, we also wanted to add a special effect where he puts on his headphones and the music can be heard by the audience. when he arrives he enters the park by jumping over the fence, the audience can tell he's a dodgy character by his actions, in an over the shoulder shot you can see him taking what looks to be an illegal substance possibly marijuana, As he smokes the shot is changing from the over the shoulder shot to a medium shot in which you can see another character who is played by Danny Glazier, He comes to him and they start arguing, and Danny ran out of Patience and set Tawhir straight, he punched him and robbed him, on the next day Tawhir was eating in a fast food restaurant and as he was walking out he sees Danny on the high street, Danny recognised him and ran away, Tawhir ran after him and Danny into the back of a deserted building where he trips and is crying for mercy, You can see the anger in tawhir's face and the audience can tell that something is going to happen in the next few seconds, the camera focuses on a brick and this is a significant object as it will be a murder weapon, Tawhir picks it up and you can only see the shot where he drops the brick and walks away. This idea was good but during when we were filming we realized that it was hard to film in some places like the bus scene or the park, we needed permission to film there, so after a few tries we changed the story slightly.